Women’s Walking Group -October 27

Message from Elizabeth Barnum

Time to schedule a Fall walk to enjoy the beauty of nature. I was in the arboretum today and it was just beautiful! I am hoping the leaves don’t fall before our walk. Fingers crossed!

Date: Friday, October 27
Time: 9:30 Meet at the Senior Center upper parking lot off Lacy Rd and we will carpool
Place: UW Arboretum, Visitor Center parking lot, 1207 Seminole Hwy
The walk is about 2-2 1/2 miles on an unpaved trail through the woods. A walking stick or trekking poles may be helpful if you wish, but not necessary. The trail is fairly flat and being a woods, there are some tree roots and rocks to watch out for. It is an easy trail.

Please let me know if you will be joining the group so we don’t leave anyone behind.

November 2023 Meeting

Spotlight on Acupuncture

November 8, 2023

The medical industry is gradually embracing acupuncture for pain management. It is now accepted as a complement to standard Western practices. According to a 2017 article in the Annals of Internal Medicine, acupuncture resulted in “lower pain intensity” for both acute and chronic low back pain. Medicare recognized this, and the government website states that “Medicare Part B… covers up to 12 acupuncture visits in 90 days for chronic low back pain.”

But what exactly is acupuncture? How does it work? What conditions can it address?

Elissa Gonda will provide an honest overview of the practice. She’ll explain what happens during a typical treatment, and describe the principles of health therapy. Whether you’re a curious beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, you’ll leave the session with a newfound appreciation for the topic. As you delve deeper, you’ll discover how this age-old practice is more relevant than ever in today’s fast-paced world.

Elissa’s interest in acupuncture stemmed from her lifelong battle with asthma, allergies, and sinusitis. She and her business partner opened Dane County Family Acupuncture in 2010. With an advanced degree, active advocacy, and over a decade of experience, Elissa is a wealth of knowledge in holistic wellness.

Here is Elissa’s contact information:


Annual Email List Cleanup

It’s time for our annual email list cleanup. I’ll pass around a form at the October and November meetings for you to let us know if you want to be on the 2024 AWG email list. If I don’t hear from you at either meeting, I will email you ONCE. If I still don’t hear from you, I will remove your name from the list and from the AWG directory.

If you choose to be removed from active membership, you will still be able to access the website for information on programs and activities.

Annual Potluck, Oct. 20

Annual Potluck

  • Friday, October 20, 11:45 a.m.
  • Swan Creek Room, Fitchburg Community Center

Here is a message from Lindy Bass:

Hi everyone, 

Right now there are seventeen friends signed up for the potluck, but more are welcome! Please let me know or sign up at the October meeting. 
I will provide the plates, napkins, plastic ware, and hot apple cider. 🌻
Looking forward to wonderful food and great conversation.
Lindy lindymb@aol.com

October 2023 Meeting

The Art of Self-Care: A Hands-on Workshop

October 11, 2023

Give yourself a fall tune-up to ignite a brighter, healthier future. Here are a few things you’ll learn:

  • Breathing exercises: Explore deep breathing to enhance oxygenation, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity.
  • Self-massage: Target key areas to ease muscular discomfort, promote relaxation, and enhance body awareness
  • Pressure points: Apply acupressure to specific locations to address a range of physical and emotional issues.

Jo Anne Lindberg, a 30-year veteran of Asian medicine, will be your guide. Working in small groups, you can experience and practice these self-care techniques, or simply observe.  Next, Jo Anne will invite you to take part in a one-month challenge to make these concepts part of your daily life. As a traditional shiatsu practitioner, Jo Anne works with clients to improve the quality of their lives at all ages. She is certified by the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia and a graduate of the Ohashiatsu program.

Encore Yoga at McKee 2023


Encore Yoga at McKee

If you missed ZenFlow Yoga, here’s your final chance this summer to partake in slow flow yoga on the shady lawn of McKee Farms Park. This encore two-session series harmonizes Vinyasa with the more meditative Yin yoga and a relaxed introspective savasana. It’s an all-levels practice, with Linda offering modifications for most poses. We will link our breath with our movement to flow from one pose to the next, using standing and sitting asana. Please bring a mat, hand towel, and (if you have one) a yoga block. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. Tuesdays, September 5 & 12.  Email me at lgorchels@sbcglobal.net to let me know if you will be attending.

BollyBeat Dance Fitness

Immerse yourself in the magic of Bollywood as you embark on a journey of infectious beats and lively rhythms.The choreographed routines draw inspiration from Bollywood hits, ensuring you not only move, but also revel in the joy of dance. All skill levels are welcome. Instructor Manisha Bhargava brings an unparalleled blend of authenticity and innovation to every session.This class is designed as a cross-cultural and cross-generational offering, sponsored jointly by the Fitchburg Senior Center and the City of Fitchburg Recreation Department.

I had the privilege of attending Manisha’s BollyBeat class at Monona Terrace. (Click on the video and see if you can you find me in the crowd.)

Manisha Bhargava is a health & wellness coach; a professional Indian dancer (having performed with the Indian Council on Cultural Relations); and an E-500 hatha-yoga teacher. Having taught fitness & yoga classes for over two decades, she has come to appreciate a multi-dimensional approach to well-being.

  • When: Wednesdays Sep 13, 2023 – Oct 25, 2023 (Excluding October 18)
  • Time: 6:30 – 7:15 p.m.
  • Where: Oak Hall Room, Fitchburg Community Center
  • Investment: $60
  • Registration: Fitchburg Recreation Programs

Fall Potluck Picnic and Paddle Devil’s Lake State Park

Fall Potluck Picnic and Paddle at Devil’s (Spirit) Lake State Park—North Shore Entrance, Baraboo WI

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Join us at the North Shore of Devil’s Lake State Park to have a potluck picnic and paddle fun! Or join us for just the picnic! The limit for the naturalist guided kayak tours around the lake is 15 participants. Beginners are welcome, but it would be best if people had some paddle experience for maximum enjoyment. The two-hour-long tour includes stopping to hear the naturalist talk about nature and the history of the area. You can choose to paddle, relax, or enjoy a hike.

  • When:                                     Thursday, September 14, 2023
  • Picnic time:                              3:00–4:30 p.m.
  • Paddle set-up, payment          4:30 p.m.
  • Naturalist paddle tour:             5:00–7:00 p.m.
  • Departure time (from FSC):    Meet in upper lot at 1:15 for 1:30 departure
  • Deadline for sign-up:              September 7, 2023
  • Register:                                  Jo Anne Lindberg, 847-733-8050, openrose@birthlink.com

What to give her:                    

  1. your name, phone number and email
  2. whether you will attend the picnic, the paddle or both
  3. whether you prefer a single or double kayak
  4. if you are bringing your own watercraft
  5. whether you can be a driver, and how many people you can take with you

Other details
A state park permit from the DNR is required on every car. A daily permit for seniors is $3 per car, or $13 annually (ending December 31).

Kayak rental is $25 for a single and $45 for a double. Reserve the boat with Jo, and pay her the day of the event at the park. You can also bring your own kayak.

While we won’t go on the lake if there is lightning, bring rain gear if there might be sprinkles.

The limit for the two-hour paddle with the naturalist is 15 people.

If you attend the picnic, but not the paddling, there are other options for you: (a) hiking trails; (b) Nature Center; (c) Ten effigy mounds; (d) kick back and relax

Contact Jo Anne Lindberg, 847-733-8050 or openrose@birthlink.com, if you have questions. We will book as a group.

Harvard Health Letter on “Walking with Friends”

Kathy Sosnouski sent me the following email. The article she links is worth a read.

Hi, Linda
This came to me from a Harvard health newsletter awhile ago. It might be something that you could include in a future email, especially as we move away from the warmer weather that’s kept some people from joining the group walks.  
Kathy S

September 2023 Meeting

Feeling Stuck? Listen to a Horse

September 13, 2023

Have you ever felt stuck or uncertain about the next steps in your life? Unable to access transformational growth and healing? Imagine a unique partnership between a horse and a human coach, working together to guide you toward a more fulfilling life journey. Horses, with their majestic presence and gentle nature, might hold the key to unlocking feelings of awe, grounding, peace, and hope within us. Dr. Stacey Bean will introduce you to the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method (EGCM) and explain her coaching services and workshops that are part of the process. As a physician, fitness instructor, and nutrition expert, she boasts ample designations:

  • Medical Degree from the University of Vermont, School of Medicine
  • Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of California, Berkeley
  • Multiple certifications from the Institute of Integrated Nutrition
  • Certified EGCM practitioner
  • Owner of Indigo Trails, LLC

Dr. Stacey offers a fresh and holistic perspective to coaching the “whole” person. Discover how she can help you achieve a sense of balance and purpose. Join us.

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