Java Walk, June 11, 2024

Combine a nature walk along the Military Ridge Trail with socialization at the Sow’s Ear in Verona. The trail is a flat, graveled surface for the 1.1-mile walk to and from a coffeehouse that combines the charm of a cozy café with the creativity of a yarn shop The Park and Ride at the intersection of Highway 151 and Old PB is the launching point. (From Highway 18/151 toward Verona, take Exit 81—the same exit as for Festival Foods—and turn south on Old PB.) We’ll meet at the Park-and-Ride at 9:00 on Tuesday, June 11, then walk to the Sow’s Ear for er-energizing. Marchelle Mertens will lead the group.

  • When: Tuesday, June 11
  • Time:  9:00 a.m.
  • Where: Verona Park and Ride
  • Contact: Marchelle Mertens (

Biking 2024

The Bike Riding Special Interest Group will ride on Monday mornings at 9:00 a.m. (weather permitting and holidays excluded). We will depart from the parking lot at the lower level of the Senior Center. Our first ride will be held on Monday, May 6. Contact Sheree Dandurand ( or Lindy Bass ( to be added to the contact list or for more information.

Monthly Breakfasts

Women’s Breakfast Interest Group

The Women’s Breakfast is a monthly gathering of women in and around Fitchburg aimed at providing a space for women to connect, share ideas, and support each other. The group meets on the second Monday of every month at 8:30 a.m. at the Pancake Cafe, 6220 Nesbitt Road in Fitchburg.

To be added to the Women’s Breakfast contact list, or for more information, contact Sandy Ermis at

Encore Yoga at McKee 2023


Encore Yoga at McKee

If you missed ZenFlow Yoga, here’s your final chance this summer to partake in slow flow yoga on the shady lawn of McKee Farms Park. This encore two-session series harmonizes Vinyasa with the more meditative Yin yoga and a relaxed introspective savasana. It’s an all-levels practice, with Linda offering modifications for most poses. We will link our breath with our movement to flow from one pose to the next, using standing and sitting asana. Please bring a mat, hand towel, and (if you have one) a yoga block. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. Tuesdays, September 5 & 12.  Email me at to let me know if you will be attending.

ZenFlow Yoga at McKee 2023

If you missed Outdoor Yoga with Linda, here’s another chance to partake in slow flow yoga on the shady lawn of McKee Farms Park. This series harmonizes Vinyasa with the more meditative Yin yoga and a relaxed introspective savasana. It’s an all-levels practice, with Linda offering modifications for most poses. We will link our breath with our movement to flow from one pose to the next, using standing and sitting asana. Please bring a mat, hand towel, and (if you have one) a yoga block. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. each Tuesday of August (excluding the 8th) for four classes. While the sessions are free, the Fitchburg Senior Center encourages a small $2-$5 donation. Linda earned her yoga, yin yoga and meditation certifications from Yoga Alliance.

Registration available through the FSC programs.

Selected comments from the June series:

  • “Thank you for the classes and inspirational readings, Linda. I left your classes with a relaxed body, a peaceful smile, and a new idea fermenting my mind.”
  • “Yoga with meditation sounds lovely and is worth a try if offered.”
  • “Really enjoyed your yoga classes. I am interested in taking any classes that you teach! Have learned that having the right teacher gets you to go to the classes!”

Walking, May 17

Elizabeth Barnum <>
Sat, May 13 at 2:46 PM
The weather is predicted to be nice on Wednesday, May 17 so time for another walk.
I have a favorite walk in the Arboretum which is about 2-2 1/2 miles. This is not a paved trail but a dirt trail that goes through the woods. The terrain is flat except for a slight incline on one part of the trail.  On another portion of the trail there are tree roots to watch out for and some rocks. If desired, it might be helpful to bring a walking stick or trekking pole.
The trees are green and there are no mosquitos (yet) which is why I would like to do this walk now. An added bonus is that the lilacs are blooming and are beautiful. Hope you can come!
DATE: Wednesday, May 17
PLACE: UW Arboretum, Visitor Center Parking lot, 1207 Seminole Highway (meet in parking lot)
TIME: 9:30 am
Please let me know if you will be joining the group on this walk. This is your group so if you have any locations you would like to walk, please let me know. Thanks and see you soon!
Happy Mothers Day!