2023 Program Updates

We have a new presenter for October. Our own Jo Anne Lindberg stepped up to offer her services. Her presentation at the October 11 meeting will be: “The Art of Self-Care: A Hands-on Workshop.”  A 30-year veteran of Asian medicine, Jo Anne will help us develop skills such as breathwork, self-massage, and pressure points.

We have one other change. Barry Callen (who is moving to Ecuador in August), and Elissa Gonda (who is getting married in June), swapped dates. That means our presentation on June 14 will be on self-hypnosis, and our November 8 presentation will be on acupuncture.

The updated calendar is downloadable from the Program Calendar tab.

Outdoor yoga 2023

Outdoor Yoga is Back!

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, outdoor yoga is a fantastic way to enjoy nature while focusing on your inner and outer self. And the challenge of practicing on uneven surfaces helps improve your balance and stability.

Since this summer’s planned patio construction outside the Fitchburg Community / Senior Center preempts using that space for yoga, we must find an alternative location. While that issue is yet to be resolved, mark your calendar for the first class on Tuesday, May 23. The time will be either 9:00 or 9:15, with the location to be determined. Stay tuned for updates.

Linda Gorchels will be your outdoor yoga guide. She earned RYS 200 yoga and yin yoga certifications from Yoga Alliance and taught two outdoor yoga series for the Fitchburg Senior Center last summer.


Join the walking group this Thursday. Here is Elizabeth’s message:
As many of you were unable to join us for our last walk, I thought we could go to the same place again.
It was a beautiful walk and we saw pelicans and eagles in the lake. Bring your binoculars if you wish.
DATE: Thursday, April 27
TIME: 10:00 AM
PLACE: Lussier Family Heritage Center, 3101 Lake Farms Road
We will meet in the parking lot across the road from the Lussier Family Heritage Center (Lower Yahara River parking lot) and follow the bike path from there.
Please let me know if you are able to join the group so we don’t leave anyone behind.
As always if you have any questions feel free to give me a call (608-220-3190) or email me. Hope to see you Thursday!
Elizabeth Barnum


The bike outings for this week and next have been cancelled due to the weather. Here is Sheree Dandurand’s message:

Well it looks like weather is going to win out again. We are canceling tomorrow’s ride using the e-bikes.
You may want to go on your own sometime this week to check them out while they are still free to use. There is still time for you to try them on your own.
We are also going to cancel the ride set for May 2. It looks like the cold is still going to be with us. We will send out an email with a new date once it warms up a bit.
Hopefully the weather will start cooperating with us soon.

May 2023 Meeting

Healthspan: Live Better, Not Just Longer

May 10, 2023

Last year, Dr. Zorba Paster spoke to us about his five spheres of wellness, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach. This month’s program follows that line of thinking. Tina Hallis, Ph.D., author of Sharpen Your Positive Edge, and advocate for the Terrain Approach to Health, knows from experience the importance of an integrative approach. Her background in both bio-organic chemistry and positive psychology led her to her unique position in health coaching. But it was her own health journey where she dove into the latest science on health and nutrition that made her realize that everything she thought she knew was backward. She recognizes that the best road to well-being is disease prevention rather than disease suppression. Her mission “is to help empower, educate and support others on their health or healing journey.” That requires catering to each person’s individual needs and goals, and to a recognition of the whole person. During this informative presentation, Tina will help you go beyond focusing on your lifespan to focusing on your healthspan.

Here are Tina’s handouts from the May meeting.

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April Meeting

60 is STILL the New 40, IF…

April 12, 2023


According to Pew Research, there are over 71 million baby boomers (as of 2019) living in the United States today. This group of “seniors” hasn’t conceded to the stereotypical view of aging or even of retirement. You’re likely one of them, and John Vardalas has some advice. He’ll help you shift your mindset from retirement to reset and renewal. He’ll give you some ideas on how to spend the rest of your life in the future so that it’s enjoyable and fulfilling. As John has said, “When our dreams become memories, we’re grown old.” John is the founder and CEO of The American BoomeR Group, dedicated to addressing the needs of and to inspiring baby boomers to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. Whether you’re a pre-retiree, a novice retiree, or a seasoned retiree, John offers tips to help you navigate this phase of your life.

Here are the materials from John’s presentation.

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March 2023 Meeting

Building Big Dreams Based on Literacy

March 8, 2023

Low literacy is a national, regional, and local crisis. It affects children not only in the classroom but also throughout their future lives. Academic, social, and civic success depend on literacy. The earlier we can intervene, the greater the impact we can have. And it starts with reading, the very foundation of all future literacy. For Rowan Childs, who spent her childhood on the move because of the relocations required by her father’s career, reading was a lifeline. She later recognized the link between reading literacy and poverty, and established the nonprofit Madison Reading Project. With the Big Red Reading Bus, the Books for Educators program, and the events to provide books directly to children, Madison Reading Project has worked to foster literacy in Dane County and the rest of Wisconsin. Since 2014, the organization has provided over 300,000 books to nearly 200,000 kids. Join us as Rowan shares the services and achievements of this organization. You’ll also be able to sign up to visit Madison Reading Project’s operation.

February 2023 meeting

Badger Rock Neighborhood Center Meets Fitchburg

February 8, 2023

The cities of Fitchburg and Madison recently absorbed the town of Madison. As a result, Badger Rock is now a neighborhood center, urban farm, and community gardens across the street from Fitchburg. As a project of the nonprofit organization Rooted, Badger Rock is committed to increasing equitable access to land, fresh food, and learning opportunities. Hedi Rudd, the Deputy Director of South Madison Programs and Director of the Badger Rock Neighborhood Center, will introduce us to their diversity and inclusion work in community outreach, the educational programs about urban agriculture and cuisine, the multigenerational activities, and the community market. Through her impressive background in community organizing and photography, Hedi will provide a unique lens on these diverse topics.

January meeting

Struck By Lightning: An Electrifying Eyewitness Account

 January 11, 2023


A lightning strike behind Barry Callen knocked him 40 feet through the air, and he lived to tell the tale. “It gave me the best excuse ever to quit jogging,” he said. In the years that followed, some of his friends and neighbors were not so lucky. When Barry says, “I’m glad to be here,” he’s not kidding! Hear three true tales of actual lightning strikes. Barry is owner of Corprov, a corporate improv training company, and former Executive Creative Director and Vice President of Hiebing, an integrated marketing consultancy.